
Posts Tagged ‘mental health issues’

I think this is a song that can mean a lot to anyone with mental health issues. I know a lot of us feel the opposite of the title of this song & so the lyrics on this track can hold a lot of sentiment.

I know Mr Mraz no doubt meant this as a couple thing, but I think it transfers well to many different situations.

Maybe post this to a blog you care about or a person you feel may need the lift. I will be.

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Something that affects many people, not just those with mental health issues.

World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 September promotes worldwide commitment and action to prevent suicides. On average, almost 3000 people commit suicide daily. For every person who completes a suicide, 20 or more may attempt to end their lives.

The sponsoring International Association for Suicide Prevention, the co-sponsor WHO and other partners advocate for the prevention of suicidal behaviour, provision of adequate treatment and follow-up care for people who attempted suicide, as well as responsible reporting of suicides in the media.

At the global level, awareness needs to be raised that suicide is a major preventable cause of premature death. Governments need to develop policy frameworks for national suicide prevention strategies. At the local level, policy statements and research outcomes need to be translated into prevention programmes and activities in communities.

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I read a blog yesterday, well when I say read I listened to it as it was a vlog. However after I was about to link to it here I see it’s been removed as the creator felt the lighting was wrong. Well Jaen Wirefly I think you should put it back up as this post has been inspired by it 🙂

Basically in the vlog she spoke about how we in the mental health blogging community tend to post a lot about how we feel when we’re low, but there aren’t many posts out there about what we do to try & keep healthy.

So here is a little of what I do:

– I use an Alternative Journal. I’ve found it really helpful, click on the link to see more.

– I have bipolar & so sleep is an important part of staying healthy. Here are some things that help me when I get into a rut of not sleeping well.

– A couple of tips when you’re feeling a tad hyper during the day.

– I’ve found Yoga to be really effective. I’m sure it would help a lot of you guys out there.

– In this post I explain some things I’d done recently as I was feeling fairly low.

– I think alcohol should be a big warning light to anyone with mental health issues. I’m not saying don’t drink, but as its a natural depressant be very careful on the amount you drink. It’s such a sneaky drug as you I feel great when I’m drunk, but the negative effects the day(s) after are a bitch!

OK well that’s enough of me preaching how to care of ones self. Hope you have found some useful tips in here. Let me know if you’ve found this useful in any way?

Again a big thanks for Jaen Wirefly for bringing this up.

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